"Tower Block" is a short film that delves into the daily lives within a towering apartment block, using the unique medium of stop-motion to tell its story and remove the negative stigma around it.
"Tower Block" is a stop-motion film directed by myself, Matteo Festa, and Andrzej Szymansky as our Final Major Project for the Level 3 Diploma at LSA, London. Completed in 2023, the film explores the intricate lives within a towering apartment block, using stop-motion animation to bring the story to life. This project was a significant undertaking, marking our first foray into the world of stop-motion filmmaking.
Despite numerous challenges, "Tower Block" was successfully completed and stands as a testament to our dedication and creativity. The film used stop-motion techniques to deliver a visually engaging and narratively engaging piece. The project's smaller scale allowed for easier management and closer collaboration, resulting in a cohesive and well-executed final product.
In "Tower Block," I took on multiple roles, including Director, Camera Operator, and Props Master. These responsibilities involved overseeing the project's creative direction, handling the camera work, and managing the creation and placement of props essential for the stop-motion animation.
"Tower Block" was our first and only stop-motion project, presenting a steep learning curve. We encountered several challenges, such as the set constantly shifting positions and the camera getting accidentally knocked, requiring precise repositioning. Additionally, we had to switch cameras a couple of times due to availability. Despite these obstacles, the smaller scale of the project and the fact that only two of us were working on it made communication and management easier.
The completion of "Tower Block" was a significant achievement. It provided invaluable experience in stop-motion animation, highlighting the importance of meticulous attention to detail and effective communication. The project reinforced our ability to adapt to challenges and maintain a high standard of work. "Tower Block" remains one of my favorite projects, showcasing the potential of stop-motion to tell unique and engaging stories.
Working with Matteo on 'Tower Block' was an incredible experience. His dedication and versatility in directing, operating the camera, and managing props were crucial to the project's success. Despite the challenges we faced, Matteo's problem-solving skills and creativity ensured that we produced a high-quality stop-motion film. I look forward to collaborating with him on future projects